Monday 30 March 2020

Why Are Wooden Toys Good for the Environment and Your Baby?

We love wooden toys and children do too. In general, they are healthier, safer and more environmentally friendly than plastic toys. Now we’re not saying that plastic toys don’t have their place. You only have to look at lego to realize that some plastic toys last for generations and are timeless.

However there are plenty of reasons why you might not want to fill your child’s toy box with all the latest shiny toys.

Wooden toys are timeless

Wooden toys, in general, have far better longevity than plastic toys. Not only in the fact that they are made of wood, which lasts well and can be mended. But also in that, they are generally simpler and less ‘faddy’.

Almost everybody will have played with a set of wooden blocks at some point in their lives. They are superbly simple and yet can be used in so many ways, they are fun for years, and they help develop loads of vital skills.

Your child may be desperate for the latest paw patrol fire engine, but the likelihood is it will get put to one side pretty quickly when their favorite shows changes. However, a wooden fire engine could belong to Marshall, Fireman Sam or anyone else. And it can be passed onto friends or future generations.

Wooden Q toys are better for the planet

Wood, unlike plastic, is a sustainable resource. It grows fairly quickly and can be replaced. Plus at the end of its life it’s biodegradable and so can be disposed of in a far safer and easier way.

We’ve carefully chosen toys made from sustainable woods such as rubber wood. Rubber trees are only cut down when they stop producing rubber to make way for new trees. The wood is essentially a waste product of the rubber industry, and what better way to use it than to make educational, stimulating toys that will be cherished and enjoyed.

Plastic toys, on the other hand, are made from oil. A non-renewable resource that cannot be replaced. Plastic toys often also contain electronic components that break easily and make the toys far harder to recycle.

However there are some amazing plastic toys such as green toys that are made entirely from recycled milk cartons, they are great in the bath and for outdoor play, so as we say it doesn’t have to be all or nothing.

Wooden toys are better for your Children

As well as having obvious environmental benefits wooden toys are also better for your child in several ways.

Firstly plastic toys can contain BPA known to be a hormone disruptor and PVC which can contain known carcinogens. So it’s vital to check what plastic toys are made from before buying them. Especially as we all know how often toys end up in little mouths.

It’s worth noting here that not all wooden toys are completely safe either. Many cheap wooden toys are made of ply which can contain all sorts of chemicals, and not all paints and stains are safe either so it’s always worth checking.

Secondly wooden toys tend to be simpler and more open-ended in design. This encourages children to be more creative and imaginative in their play. An electronic plastic toy very obviously does one thing, whereas toys without an obvious single-use can become anything your child desires.

Flashy plastic toys can also risk over-stimulating little minds which can cause developmental delay.

If you are looking to put a few more wooden or q toys in the toy box we’ve taken a look at some of the best wooden toy brands here. 

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